Welcome to Avery Hill Christian Fellowship!
Join us at Avery Hill at 10:30am on a Sunday.
We are a vibrant family church, meeting and worshiping at Avery Hill. Whether you are young or old, local or international, student, professional or retired, we’d love to see you. You are always welcome to stay afterwards for cake, biscuits, a coffee and chat.
Whizz Kids After School Club
Whizz Kids is on every Monday 3:30-5pm at Avery Hill Church for school years 1-6. We play games together, hear a Bible story, do a craft, have dinner together and have lots and lots of fun!
Find out more or email childrenaveryhill@gmail.com
Youth Drop In
Our Youth Drop In is on every Thursday from 4-6pm for school years 7-11. We have crafts, games, snacks, music, chill out area and socials once a half term too. Come along, be you and have fun!